A lockout in the NFL seems inevitable. Or so the head of the players’ association says. (Sports Illustrated)
Hey, hey. Reporters who work for The Huffington Post get paid. (Nieman Journalism Lab)
Where are all my drummers in the house? Super neat. (NPR)
Brett Michaels kept is bandanna on throughout his stay in the hospital. Of course. He said “If I go out, I want to go out rocking.” Doesn’t that mean he would have had to of rocked at some point to begin with? Ohhhhh. (CNN)
Conan killed NBC at the TBS upfronts. Good. (New York Daily News)
More on CBS cleaning house, this time from someone we frequently link to: Lisa Des Moraes. One new show is called “Bleep My Dad Says,” clearly taken from some type of internet phenomenon. Really? They get rid of “Christine” for that? (Washington Post)
Ryan Phillippe wants to be a hip-hop producer now? (All Hip-Hop)
Remember that 48 Hours magazine idea we linked a few weeks ago? Now CBS wants to sue them. (New York Times)
Big Bang Theory vs. Community at 8 p.m. Thursday's should be an interesting showdown...