It may be a week later, but I finally had the opportunity to look up Ms. Jan Jones' recent time on "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon." I only do this because I have never, ever seen her in an interview setting that made her look good. She simply just seems detestable on every single level. And I love "Mad Men." This time? Well, she referred to people in the audience who like to get autographs as "you guys," and it was in a context that seemed awkward and insulting, as though she's better than those who watch the show. Then, she was utterly dismissive of earning an Emmy nod. So, yeah, this sounds as though she didn't earn any nice points this time around, either. But she seemed happy, at least. Every other interview she's done has felt annoyed. Why root for her now, though? Because she recently started dating Jason Sudeikis, the coolest dude SNL has these days. She best not break his heart. Anyways, say hello to the final Thursday of July. You know what this means, right? A brand new Blogspot Banter for you tomorrow! Be excited. It also means the weekend is almost here! Be even more excited for that. Unfortunately (or fortunately), before any of those things come to fruition, we must offer some links to help the time pass by more quickly. You see. We love you. Really. We do.
Former NBA star Lorenzen Wright was found dead. This is probably the best column you could read on it. (
The Commercial Appeal)
An ombudsman attacks PBS for developing something called “Palinese.” I’m sure you can figure it out. (
The classic should they or shouldn’t they when it comes to magazine cover designing. In this case, it’s
Time magazine. (
Well, this is interesting. A group of reporters cover and write the same story. Now, readers can choose which of those stories will actually run. Seems like a cheesy tactic. (
Washington Post)
Why the hell would they give Jessica Simpson the “American Idol” seat? Still love “With You,” though. (
Reality TV World)
Been meaning to post something about this, but I just keep forgetting. Argentina ousted Diego Maradona as manager from the country’s national team. Here’s a piece concerning what the eclectic star is going to do now. (
Yesterday Facebook. Today, Twitter. Tomorrow, Tumblr? The real reason we link this: His new album will now longer be called
Good Ass Job. (
New York Magazine)
CBS will introduce more gay characters on its shows. Wait. What was “Two And A Half Men” about, then? (
The Celebrity Café)
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