Found myself up unusually early Sunday morning. It finally, after a week's worth of stalling my Netflix que, gave me the opportunity to sit down and watch this movie. Remind me again why I like Jake Gyllenhaal? Oh, yes. It was "Zodiac," wasn't it? I don't know. It's hard for me to not like movies, but this one came up a bit short. Mr. Spiderman was pretty good here (especially toward the end), but as a whole, there was something inherently uninteresting about it. And Natalie Portman isn't all that attractive. Anybody out there who agrees with me? Didn't think so. Anyways, welcome to Tuesday, or, as July-lovers may call it, the final Tuesday of July. Beautiful day today, and even found the time to play a little tennis. Always good to get out and feel as though you weren't a particularly pathetic slob for all of the day by spending time in the sun and moving semi-quickly around a tennis court. Need to get some work done tonight, and if I manage to achieve such a goal, you can rest assured that a happy man I will be, if even for a few minutes. Before tonight comes around, though, I must offer up these links, remind you all to be nice to those you enjoy being around, and consider having pizza for dinner. Why? Because it just seems right. Be good, now.A power ranking for “Mad Men” characters. A bit obnoxious at times, but interesting nonetheless. (
Lisanti Quarterly)
Reason No. 361 to love M.I.A.: She blasts Lady Gaga in this interview. Fabulous. (
Time Out)
Please, please don’t do this, beloved New York Jets. (
Matt Garza threw the 250th no-hitter in Major League Baseball this season last night. A pie was thrown. (
St. Petersburg Times)
Whoa. A new way to track newspaper circulation. One step? Counting one subscriber multiple times. This seems like one step forward, five steps backward. (
Editor & Publisher)
And speaking of newspapers. According to this brand new, Earth shattering WikiLeaks device, the United States pays Afghan media to write nice stories. Something tells me this WikiLeaks thing is going to end up being much more important than people predict. (
Aretha Franklin and Condi Rice: Making lovely music together. (
Christian Science Monitor)
$15,000 for porta-potties? Honestly? (
Ten things you’ll need to consider when getting your fall wardrobe together. Hey, it’s never too soon to consider seasonal fashion. Besides, it’s almost August already. (
I do think Natalie Portman is attractive.
ReplyDeleteSomething about her. Can't really put my finger on it. It's just weird.