As the regular season of Major League Baseball wrapped up, we fans of America’s pastime gear up for the intensity that is the playoffs. That edge of your seat thrill ride where every pitch is a nail biting endeavor; where there is no such thing as a safe lead; where heroes emerge from the unlikeliest of places.
But that intensity is hard to understand for those of us who cheer for the Pittsburgh Pirates, seeing as how it’s been 18 years since the team has even sniffed a playoff berth. When the clock struck midnight on the Buccos season the other night, they managed to eclipse the elusive 100+ loss plateau, tie for the worst away record in history (17-64) and even commit a fashion faux paus that generated the attention of ESPN, Yahoo Sports and every other sports outlet looking for a light-hearted sidebar to their “Playoff Baseball!” center spread. Please tell me you heard about this:
Pirates shortstop Ronny Cedeno trotted onto the field Sunday against the Florida Marlins wearing, you guessed it, the wrong uniform. To make matters worse, it wasn’t until the third inning – and a home run by Cedeno – that the mistake was realized.
Even funnier, the uniform Cedeno had on was a different color AND IN SPANISH.
That’s right, emblazoned in big bold letters across the front of his jersey was “Piratas” – it may as well have said “here’s one more thing for our fans to be embarrassed about.”
I try to have a sense of humor with this stuff, I really do. And by all accounts, whether this was a prank or an oversight, it’s pretty funny. But pranks are a whole lot funnier when you’re winning… even a little bit. Even like half the time.
So here’s to you, my beloved Bucs. Thank you for another losing season. I look forward to the false sense of hope you will inevitably try to instill upon me and the other suckers who cling to the thought that one day we’ll be the ones laughing.
Oh wait, we already are. Because if we’re not laughing, we’ll probably start crying.
And to think: It once looked so promising...
See you in a few hours for your daily links to live by. Muah.
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